Don't be a Buzzkill

Creating a product that helps
raise awareness of the current
bee decline.


Don't be a Buzzkill


June 2019


Digital artwork
Print design


It's a sad fact that the bee population in Britain has been in a serious decline for the last fifty years. Thirteen types of bees have become extinct in the UK over the past twenty years and a further 10% of wild bee species are in danger of disappearing forever over the next five years.

Lzlabs brand guidelines

Making a difference

The 'Don't be a Buzzkill' package contains an informational booklet, posters, postcards and a zine, all filled with tips and tricks on how to help save these incredibly important insects. It is compact and easily fits through a mailbox.

Don't be a Buzzkill Package
Lzlabs coverLzlabs cover
Don't be a Buzzkill Package
Don't be a Buzzkill Package
Don't be a Buzzkill Package


A big part of making the 'Buzzkill' brand come to life were the illustrations. I was amazed at how many different shapes, sizes and colours of bee there were, and this illustration style really helps to  show that. The star of the show is undoubtedly the Violet Carpenter bee, which always catches the eye with it's large frame and stunning blue and purple wings.

Lzlabs coverLzlabs cover
Don't be a Buzzkill Package

App design

I also created an app to go along with the package, that features a handy bee identifier. It gives you all you need to know about every bee in the UK, including how common it is, where it tends to build it's nest, and how to help it if needed. You can even use the app to submit a photo to the Great British Bee Count, a charity that keeps a yearly record of every bee species spotted in the UK.

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